M&P Shield Plus Love Affair


Is the M&P M2.0 Shield Plus the best? Best for what? Are there new innovations in the firearms market that make this gun obsolete? What are we even talking about Rick...

I guess I would ask, what do people look for when they want to purchase a gun for self-defense. I want something reliable. I want something that feels good in my hand, even though that's a cliche thing to say however the truth is some companies grip designs are lacking in ergonomic application. For me comfort in the hand coincides with a gun being comfortable to shoot. If the gun is uncomfortable to shoot or even painful to shoot, you're most likely not going to want to train at all. In my opinion there’s no point in buying a gun for protection if you’re not going to learn to protect yourself, end rant.  I'd like a gun that comes with quality sights, meaning that the sights are made of steel not plastic and preferably with tritium (night sights) so that you can shoot in the dark. I'd like a gun that doesn't break the bank. I'd like a gun that's inherently accurate. Please note that you can't just buy skill you have to go out and practice with your firearms to become proficient with it. With that being said you do get what you pay for in most cases. Because companies with older names that hold recognition may charge a pretty penny that doesn't mean that they still make quality firearms. Isn’t that why you're here? What's the answer Rick what's the best gun. For me along with the Forementioned qualities I want a gun that has modularity, I want a gun that has Proprietary and after-market parts that are readily available and a gun that people make quality holsters for.

So why do I argue for the M&P 2.0 shield plus optics ready? Let's start with reliability. When you research this gun, you'll find glowing reviews from several reputable sources. If that's not enough, I've own the previous Gen.1 Shield and the current Shield plus and trust my life to them. One thing that I've noticed personally is that I never see this gun for resale, nor do I see the original shield for resale in gun stores. That to me is a sign the people not only like these guns but that they are reliable, and they have a “shoot-ability”about them. Modularity, though you do not have an interchangeable back strap system, this gun does fit most hand Types. For me the modularity is in the magazines. The flush fit magazine holds 10+1 rounds and it's quite suitable for deep concealment. With that your spare mag can be a 13 rounder or the new 15 round magazine. The 13 round and the 15 round magazine are an excellent choice for people with hands like me. I have wide palms and long fingers and I can't stand a gun where my pinky hangs off the grip. Friction equals Control and the more surface area your hands cover the more control you have over the pistol. Speaking of grip the new Line of M&P 2.0 pistols come with a sandpaper/grip tape like grip that in my opinion is the best in the industry. The M&P shield already has a reputation for its thin slide and frame. The first Gen. shield being less than an inch wide. This makes it comfortable to carry in the waistband. Anyone who carries daily can tell you the thinner the gun is the easier it is to fit in your waistband and more comfortable to carry. This also cuts down on printing. Especially in the summertime when your clothes are typically thinner and less off. With the proper holster I have no problem carrying this gun in board shorts and a t-shirt. From a women’s perspective, my significant other would recommend high compression leggings (alexo athletica) or a “fabriclip” attachment to your holster to secure it to your pants. For context, she does not like wearing belts at all. When it comes to off body carry she prefers Roma leather Purses because they have a separate compartment dedicated to carrying your firearm and you can draw from them vertically. Which provides her a more rapid access and draw. The one con in my book is the absence of a light rail. Though you can purchase a Crimson Trace or laser Max attachment that secures itself to the trigger guard of the gun, I would much prefer the ability to have a flashlight that puts off more than 100 lumens. All in all the shield plus is truly a quality micro compact firearm from a company with a proven track record for reliability.

Recommended optics for this pistol- Swampfox sentinel https://www.amazon.com/Swampfox-Sentinel-Micro-Reflex-Pistol/dp/B09MRNJXKC/ref=sr_1_16?keywords=rmsc&qid=1685370081&sr=8-16&th=1

Holosun 407k https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08G6SSTGX/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B08G6SSTGX&pd_rd_w=mELtI&content-id=amzn1.sym.eb7c1ac5-7c51-4df5-ba34-ca810f1f119a&pf_rd_p=eb7c1ac5-7c51-4df5-ba34-ca810f1f119a&pf_rd_r=E45JG9TQQGMPERVK78JY&pd_rd_wg=IOe7M&pd_rd_r=44ce5ac0-a00b-49d4-a22f-bc25d50fd739&s=sporting-goods&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw&smid=A2P4KTC62860Q5

Holster and Carry options:


Off body option



My Every Day Carry (EDC)