My Every Day Carry (EDC)
When I see posts about Every Day Carry (EDC) I always ask myself this: Why? Why this gun? Why that holster? Why this belt? Why that knife? Why a flash light? Why mace?
Gun: Smith&Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Compact optics ready.
Optic: Holosun 507C-X2 w/ ACSS Vulcan reticle
Light: Streamlight TLR-7
Why: I’ve carried S&W’s for 20 years. It’s American made. After many thousands of rounds and hours of training they have earned my trust. The M&P cycled every type of ammo I’ve run through it. There are many reputable gun companies out there, and it is your personal choice which company you choose to trust your life
to. All I can recommend is that you get as much time as possible behind the gun the you choose to carry.
Holster: Vedder light tuck
Why: Trust me I’ve bought enough shit holsters to know that quality matters. Solid construction from quality materials guarantees your holster won’t break on you when you are depending on it. It should be form fitted to your specific gun. Your draw should be smooth with no snagging, but it should also retain your firearm when you’re crawling, running, jumping or rolling around on the ground fighting for your life. A good holster should properly cover the trigger guard so that nothing can get inside of the holster and cause a negligent discharge. Lastly the holster should be made to sit at the correct “ride height” on your belt line so that you can easily access your firearm and establish your master grip (everything about the way you present a gun while aiming starts from your grip).
Spare magazine carry system: Neo Mag
Why: It is good a practice to carry an extra magazine because in modern magazine fed handguns almost all malfunctions come from ammunition or the magazine itself. The most effective and sure solution to defeat a malfunction is to replace the magazine with a new one. There is also the predicament of your gun running dry in the middle of a gun fight. There is a saying that goes “two is one and one is none” another one of my favorites saying is “it’s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it”. With that said, you need a way to carry your spare mag. In years past, the method was to use a mag holster/pouch that would in some way attach to your belt. Though this is still an excellent method of carry it has the draw back of adding bulk to waistline. In my opinion you want as little of a footprint as possible. Enter the NeoMag. Utilizing a neodymium magnet the NeoMag keeps your magazine secure and in place in your pocket giving you a smooth draw and a low profile way to carry your spare mag.
Belt: EDCBelt Co.
Why: Anyone who’s carried a gun on their person for more than few hours will tell you that a regular belt is not up for the task. What you’ll realize is that a regular belt is not built to properly support the weight of a firearm. A good belt will hold the gun tight to your body and therefore the gun will stay in place. A regular belt will give to the weight of the firearm and sag causing the butt/grip of your gun to lean out away from the body making it harder to conceal, this also allows the the gun to shift while you move making it terribly uncomfortable. The last thing you want is to have to adjust your belt and holster every five seconds in view of the public. Some carry belts can be made of material or can be constructed in such a way that it feels like you’re wearing an iron band around your waist. Leather belts are more comfortable but lose their rigidity overtime. The EDC Belt Co. belt is rigid where it needs to be, so that it can support the weight of the firearm and it is soft everywhere else so that it is comfortable to carry all day. Remember that your belt is the foundation for your carry system.
Knife: Ka-Bar TDI
Why: So let’s start with why you would carry a knife. A knife, like a gun is a tool. Tools are purpose driven by design. Simply put, a knife is designed to cut. In an emergency situation a knife can be used to cut a seat belt to free someone or yourself from a car wreck or to cut away clothing to assess a serious wound. Or.. to make a pair of improvised cut off shorts to flex on the beach. In self defense situations it may be easier to access your knife depending on the proximity to your attacker. Firstly, I choose to carry a fixed blade knife for self defense because it is a solid piece of steel running the length of the entire knife as opposed to a hingeing mechanism that could fail. Secondly, I don’t want to struggle to open a knife under duress. A fixed blade is a simple as it gets, grip and rip. The TDI is small, easy to conceal and strong enough to punch through a car door.
Flashlight: Olight Warrior 2
Why: A Flashlight has many defensive attributes and is a non-lethal option.
The brightness of today’s flashlights can easily blind an attacker for more than 10 seconds allowing you time to retreat. It’s also a great tool to identify potential threats and highlight shady areas that you may be forced to travel through. Remember that we should never intentionally go stupid places, with stupid people, and do stupid things. The Olight flashlight can also to be used as a fighting tool. There are raised notches on the end that can be utilized as a crushing pommel. With the use of a hammer fist strike, it would not take much physical effort to break an eye socket or create lacerations on an attackers face. Another reason I like this flashlight is that is it is easily rechargeable through the use of a magnetic charging port. Other honorable mentions would be Streamlight ProTac 1L and Surefire Stiletto flashlights. Any of these options would be a nice addition to your EDC.
Pepper spray Really?
Yes, really. Pepper spray is a time tested non-lethal option that with proper training you can use to blind or slow down your attacker. If you’ve never been sprayed with pepper spray the immediate effects include burning in the eyes, nose, and throat. It can also cause difficulty breathing and temporary blindness. These uncomfortable symptoms will definitely slow down your attacker and hopefully give you an opening to escape. Pepper spray typically has a range of about 10 feet, allowing the user to spray an attacker from a distance. I’m a life long student of martial arts, but it would be stupid for anyone to engage with a stranger physically having no idea what that person is capable of. We want to avoid the chance of personal injury at all costs.
The last why. Why do I carry all this stuff? Because, I love my life. I love the people that are in it and I have a personal responsibility to make it home to them. Know the self defense laws in your state. Live free, be a good human, and make it home.